
Skai’s the limit training

Training Dogs with Science


Advocating for research based training methods since 2016

Janelle started Skai’s the Limit Training in 2016. She holds her CTDI (Certified Trick Dog Instructor) title and is working towards her CPDT certification.

Having worked in the veterinary world for several years, Janelle is passionate about finding and staying up to date with the most well-researched, peer-reviewed methods and tools that can be found in the animal training and health industry.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether our services are right for you.




Dog Training in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, and Surrounding Areas


(587) 334-6137


Classes We Offer…


The first few months of your puppy’s life can be the most critical. It is all about exposure, exposure, exposure. This time period will cement habits and behaviours (good and bad) and is the perfect time to start training! Contact us to get started in our puppy classes. All dogs must have their second set of vaccines before attending class.

Field Trips

For approved dogs that have been through our private and group obedience, we meet up once in a while at dog friendly locations like the U of A botanic gardens on dog days, greenhouses, and many more to get some more skills and experience and have some fun with your dogs!

Private Obedience Classes

Whether your dog needs to learn a few basics, how to properly socialize, how to not pull on the leash, or how to not jump up this is the class for you. These classes are our prerequisite to graduating into our group classes , it is much less stressful for both handler and dog to enter a group setting with some knowledge and skills behind them!

Trick Classes

Ready for your dog to become a trick dog? Contact us for the start of our next set of trick classes. These classes are offered both virtually and in person.

We do also offer this for other species but these are either virtual or booked private so as not to stress the other animals out. If your cat, horse, bird, or any other species is ready to be a certified trick animal let us know!

Group Obedience Classes

Graduated from your basic obedience private classes? Great! You are now ready to take those skills into the more distracting setting of group class. This class will have young dogs, older dogs, quiet, dogs, and loud dogs just like the world your dog will be walking in. we will focus on will solidifying your skills in a more “real world” environment.


We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your training inquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your dog’s name along with any specific training requests. To help us best service your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or text us to make an appointment.